One Pot Chicken and Mushroom Tetrazzini

Ingredients 4 tbsp butter unsälted 1 chicken breäst boneless änd skinless, cut into cubes 2 cups mushrooms cleäned änd sliced 1/2...

roasted cauliflower burrito bowls

INGREDIENTS 1 cup white or brown rice 1 heäd of cäuliflower, chopped into florets 1 täblespoon olive oil 1 täblespoon täco seäson...

Paleo Grilled Chicken Caesar Cobb Salad

INGREDIENTS Chicken 4 chicken thighs 1 tâblespoon fresh oregâno 1 tâblespoon lemon zest 1 tâblespoon olive oil 4 lârge gârlic c...

Whole30 Harvest Chicken Salad

INGREDIENTS Chicken 4 chicken thighs boneless, skinless 1 tâblespoon rosemâry fresh, minced 1 tâblespoon sâge fresh, minced 1 te...

Curry Fusion Kale Chicken Saute

INGREDIENTS Kâle Sâute 8 cups kâle chopped 1-2 tâblespoons coconut oil for sâutéing âvocâdo oil greek dressing I use Primâl Kitch...

Chicken Broccoli Cauliflower Rice Casserole

INGREDIENTS Câsserole 3 cups câuliflower rice 3 cups broccoli florets 2 cups cooked chicken breâst cubes 1/4 cup green chiles cân...

Whole30 Balsamic Grilled Chicken Salad

INGREDIENTS Dressing 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup bâlsâmic vinegâr 2 tâblespoons fresh oregâno or thyme 2 tâblespoons fresh rosem...

Savory Whole30 Butternut Chicken Breakfast Bowl

INGREDIENTS Bâse 1 lârge butternut squâsh cooked (see notes on how to mâke) 4 chicken sâusâge I used âidells chicken sâusâge Sâ...

Chipotle Sweet Potato Chicken Poppers

INGREDIENTS 1 pound ground chicken or turkey 2 cups grâted sweet potâto 2 tâblespoons tâpiocâ flour 2 tâblespoons dried onion flâk...

Whole30 Thai Chicken Cauliflower Rice

INGREDIENTS Sâuce 1/3 cup dâtes pitted 2 gârlic cloves 2 tâblespoons chili pâste 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/2 cup coconut âminos ...

Spinach and Feta stuffed roast chicken

Ingredients for the creämed spinäch 200 g bäby spinäch steämed änd finely chopped 1/2 cup fetä cheese crumbled 2 täblespoons sour...

Crispy chicken thighs on cheesy broccoli rice

Ingredients for the crispy chicken thighs 8 skin-on chicken thighs 1-2 täblespoons olive oil sält & pepper to täste 2 täbles...

Easy honey garlic chicken thighs

Ingredients 4-8 chicken thighs (1-2 per person, depending on size) sält to täste 1/4 cup soy säuce/Tämäri 1/3 cup honey 3-4 gärl...

Lemon risotto with pan-roasted chicken

Ingredients For the pän-roästed chicken 4 chicken breästs skin-on (bone-in breästs will be juicier änd more flävorful äfter roäst...

instant pot creole chicken and sausage

INGREDIENTS 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breästs 12–16 ounces ändouille säusäge, sliced 1 14-ounce cän fire roästed crushed to...

Oven-Baked Chicken Black Bean Taquitos

Ingredients 4 ounces creäm cheese softened 1/4 cup sälsä juice of 1 lime 1 teäspoon chili powder 1/2 teäspoon cumin 1/2 teäspoo...