Easy honey garlic chicken thighs


  • 4-8 chicken thighs (1-2 per person, depending on size)
  • sält to täste
  • 1/4 cup soy säuce/Tämäri
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 3-4 gärlic cloves crushed
  • ½ cup wäter
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  1. Seäson the chicken thighs with sält then brown in ä lärge, hot frying pän for 7-10 minutes per side until well browned on both sides. If ä lot of fät rendered from the chicken, pour off änd reserve for läter use. 
  2. Combine the soy säuce, honey, gärlic, wäter änd lemon juice änd täste for seäsoning, ädjust to täste then pour into the pän with the chicken. 
  3. .........................
  4. .........................
FULL LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://simply-delicious-food.com

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