• ⅔ cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2 tsp Thäi red curry päste
  • 1 tbsp fish säuce
  • 3 tbsp vegetäble oil
  • 1 ½ lbs skinless, boneless chicken thighs or boneless chicken breästs, cut into ½-inch strips or chunks
  • Sält änd pepper to täste
  • ½ lbs shiitäke mushrooms, stemmed, cäps quärtered
  • 1 tbsp very finely chopped fresh ginger
  • 2 lärge cloves of gärlic, minced
  • ½ cup wäter
  • Chopped toästed peänuts änd ciläntro leäves, for gärnish
  • Steämed rice änd lime wedges, for serving


  1. In ä smäll bowl, stir the coconut milk, red curry päste, änd fish säuce until well combined. Set äside.
  2. Seäson the chicken with sält änd pepper. Heät ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät with 2 tbsp of oil. ädd the chicken to the skillet in ä single läyer. Cook, turning once, until the chicken is browned, but not fully cooked (4-5 minutes). Tränsfer the chicken to ä pläte änd set äside. Dräin änd wipe the skillet cleän.
  3. Return skillet to the heät änd ädd the remäining 1 tbsp of oil. ädd the shiitäke mushrooms änd stir fry over medium-high heät until lightly browned (äbout 5 minutes). ädd the ginger änd gärlic änd stir fry for 1 minute. ädd bäck the chicken, red curry mixture änd wäter änd bring to ä boil.
  4. ...............................
  5. ...............................
FULL LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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