Rotisserie chicken nachos


  • 2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken
  • 1 bäg corn chips (äpprox 250g/9oz)
  • 2 cups gräted mozzärellä cheese
  • 1 cup corn kernels
  • to serve
  • guäcämole
  • sour creäm
  • chopped tomäto
  • coriänder leäves
  • lime wedges


  1. Pre-heät the grill of your oven to high.
  2. Spreäd hälf of the tortillä chips in ä sheet pän then top with hälf of the chicken, corn änd cheese.
  3. Repeät änd finish with the remäining cheese.
  4. Pläce in the oven änd ällow to cook until the cheese häs melted änd the top is golden brown.
  5. .............................
  6. .............................
FULL LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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