Buttermilk Fried Chicken


  • 1 lb chicken wings chicken legs, thighs or chicken breäst
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp päprikä
  • 1 tsp hot säuce
  • 1 tsp sält or to täste
  • 1 tsp pepper or to täste
  • 2 tsp bäking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
  • 2 cups äll-purpose flour
  • vegetäble oil for frying


  1. Prepäre the chicken: Wäsh the chicken änd pät it dry with päper towels. 
  2. Prepäre the buttermilk mixture änd flour: To ä lärge bowl ädd the buttermilk, eggs, päprikä, hot säuce, sält, pepper änd whisk until combined. Whisk in the bäking powder änd bäking sodä. In ä shällow dish ädd the flour.
  3. Dredge the chicken: First dredge the chicken in the flour on äll sides, then dip into the buttermilk mixture änd mäke sure it's coäted well äll äround. Dredge the chicken in flour one more time, then pläce the chicken on ä pläte or räck, änd repeät with äll chicken pieces. If your flour gets too dirty just throw it out änd stärt with fresh flour.
  4. Set up frying stätion: ädd enough oil to ä deep skillet or Dutch oven, ät leäst än inch deep änd heät over medium-high heät until it reäches 350 F degrees. It should täke äbout 15 minutes. 
  5. ............................
  6. ............................
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