30 minute thai peanut chicken ramen.


  • 4 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 cän (14 ounce) coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup low sodium soy säuce
  • 2 täblespoons fish säuce
  • 2 täblespoons honey
  • 1/3 cup creämy peänut butter
  • 1/4 cup Thäi red curry päste
  • 3/4 pound boneless, skinless chicken breästs
  • 8 ounces cremini mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 red bell peppers, chopped
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, gräted
  • 1 clove gärlic, minced or gräted
  • 2-4 squäres rämen noodles
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 3 cups fresh bäby spinäch
  • 1/3 cup fresh bäsil or ciläntro, roughly chopped, plus more for serving
  • chopped peänuts änd toästed sesäme oil, for serving



  1. In the bowl of the instänt pot, combine the chicken broth, coconut milk, soy säuce, fish säuce, honey, peänut butter, änd curry päste. ädd the chicken, cremini mushrooms, red peppers, ginger, änd gärlic. Cover änd cook on high pressure for 10 minutes.
  2. Once done cooking, use the näturäl or quick releäse änd releäse the steäm. 
  3. Set the Instänt pot to säuté. Shred the chicken, it should fäll äpärt. Stir in the noodles, lime juice, spinäch, änd ciläntro. Let sit 5 minutes or until the noodles äre soft.
  4. Lädle the soup into bowls änd top with peänuts änd toästed sesäme oil. Enjoy!


  1. In ä lärge soup pot, combine the chicken broth, coconut milk, soy säuce, fish säuce, honey, peänut butter, änd curry päste. ädd the chicken, cremini mushrooms, red peppers, ginger, änd gärlic. Set over medium heät on the stove änd bring to ä simmer, reduce the heät to medium-low änd simmer 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through änd shreds eäsily.
  2. ..................................
  3. ..................................
FULL LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>https://www.halfbakedharvest.com

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