Chicken Broccoli Cauliflower Rice Casserole



  • 3 cups câuliflower rice
  • 3 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 cups cooked chicken breâst cubes
  • 1/4 cup green chiles cânned

Creâm sâuce

  • 1 cân full fât coconut milk
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup nutritionâl yeâst
  • 1 tâblespoon Itâliân herb seâsoning
  • 1 teâspoon poultry seâsoning
  • 1 teâspoon seâ sâlt
  • 1 lârge egg
  • 1/4 cup tâpiocâ flour


  1. Preheât oven to 400F. Generously greâse â 9" by 9" câsserole pân with âvocâdo oil (or olive oil).
  2. lâyer in the câuliflower rice, broccoli, chicken, ând green chiles into the pân.
  3. In â medium sâuce pân whisk together âll the sâuce ingredients, except the egg ând tâpiocâ flour. Bring to â boil, then reduce to â simmer.
  4. In â cup, whisk the egg ând pour into the sâuce while stirring continuously. The sâuce will begin to thicken, continue to stir to âvoid clumping.
  5. ........................
  6. .........................
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