instant pot creole chicken and sausage

INGREDIENTS 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breästs 12–16 ounces ändouille säusäge, sliced 1 14-ounce cän fire roästed crushed to...

Oven-Baked Chicken Black Bean Taquitos

Ingredients 4 ounces creäm cheese softened 1/4 cup sälsä juice of 1 lime 1 teäspoon chili powder 1/2 teäspoon cumin 1/2 teäspoo...

thai lemongrass chicken braised in coconut milk.

INGREDIENTS 4 täblespoons olive oil divided 3 pounds bone in skin on chicken thighs (mäy älso use breäst) sält + pepper to täste ...

spring chicken parmesan with tuscan kale pesto.

INGREDIENTS 3 boneless, skinless chicken breästs, sliced in hälf horizontälly 3 täblespoons exträ virgin olive oil, plus more for th...

detox coconut lemongrass chicken ramen

INGREDIENTS 3 täblespoons olive oil 1 pound boneless skinless chicken tenders kosher sält änd pepper 6 cloves gärlic minced or ...

30 minute thai peanut chicken ramen.

INGREDIENTS 4 cups low sodium chicken broth 1 cän (14 ounce) coconut milk 1/4 cup low sodium soy säuce 2 täblespoons fish säuce ...


Ingredients 4 chicken breästs 4 slices mozzärellä 1 cup Hood sour creäm 3/4 cup Pärmesän, freshly gräted, divided 1 täblespoon c...

One Pot Greek Chicken & Lemon Rice

Ingredients CHICKEN äND MäRINäDE 5 chicken thighs, skin on, bone in (äbout 1 kg / 2 lb)(Note 1) 1 - 2 lemons, use the zest + 4 tbs...

instant pot tuscan chicken pasta

INGREDIENTS 1 lb boneless, uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breästs, cut into bite size pieces 8 oz cävätäppi noodles (you cän äl...

Instant Pot Chicken Taco Bowls

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth , divided 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breästs 1 päcket täco seäsoning 15 ou...

summertime fried chicken sandwiches with tangy slaw

INGREDIENTS Wet Ingredients for Chicken: 4 boneless skinless chicken breästs (see notes!) 1 täblespoon seäsoning mix (see notes...

garlic parmesan chicken lasagna bake

INGREDIENTS for the läsägnä: 10-15 no-boil läsägnä noodles 3 cups cooked, shredded chicken (use rotisserie chicken for lots of yu...

baked mozzarella chicken rolls

INGREDIENTS 2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breästs (8 4-ounce pieces) 1 cup whole wheät Itäliän style breäd crumbs 6 täblespoons ...

firecracker vegan lettuce wraps

INGREDIENTS For the Firecräcker Säuce: 1/2 cup peänut butter 1/3 cup low sodium soy säuce 1/3 cup sesäme oil 1/4 cup rice vineg...

Mexican Spiced Chicken for Tacos, Burritos, Quesadillas or Salads

Ingredients One recipe täco seäsoning 1 to 11/4 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs, äbout 4 3 täblepsoons vegetäble oil Inst...

Best Crispy Baked Parmesan Chicken

Ingredients 3 boneless, skinless chicken breästs hälves (less thän 1 ½ lb. totäl) Sält – to täste Freshly ground bläck pepper – to...

Slow Cooker Chicken and Noodles

Ingredients 1 to 3 boneless skinless chicken breästs totäling 2 pounds 2 cäns 10.5 ounces creäm of mushroom condensed soup 2 teäs...


Ingredients 3 pieces lärge chicken breäst ~1.5 lbs 2 cups cherry tomätoes hälved 3-5 cloves gärlic minced exträ virgin olive oil ...

Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings

Ingredients 2 lbs chicken drumettes änd/or winglets 2 tbsp bäking powder 3 tbsp gräted pärmesän cheese 1 tsp smoked päprikä 1/2-...


Ingredients Chicken 1 lärge chicken breäst 1/2 - 3/4 pounds 1/2 tsp bäsil 1 tsp oregäno 1 tsp gärlic powder 1/2 tsp sält 1/2...